HD key generation
Also covering BIP32 and HD wallets
HD key generation as specified in BIP32 allows securely creating an unlimited number of keypairs from a seed as small as 128 bits. A wallet may also create extended pubkeys (xpubs) that allow external software to create new pubkeys for the wallet without learning the corresponding private keys.
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Primary code and documentation
Optech newsletter and website mentions
- Complications for HD wallet recovery in zero HTLC fee anchor outputs protocol
- No changes to BIP32 derivation needed to implement taproot receiving support
- Proposed BIP32 key derivation path for single-sig P2TR
- Bitcoin Core #22095 adds test to ensure BIP32 derived keys are correctly padded
- BIPs #1097 assigns BIP129 to proposal for exchange of xpubs during multisig wallet set up
- BIPs #1089 assigns BIP87 to proposal for standardized BIP32 paths for multisig wallets
- Closing lost LN channels with only a BIP32 seed
- Proposal for secure exchange of BIP32 xpubs during multisig wallet set up
- Proposed BIP for BIP32 path templates
- BIPs #910 Assigns BIP85 to the Deterministic Entropy From BIP32 Keychains proposal
- Proposal for using one BIP32 keychain to seed multiple child keychains
- Question: why was the BIP32 fingerprint used for BIP174 PSBT?
- Question: what is the max allowed depth for BIP32 derivation paths?
- Question about BIP32 extended pubkeys (xpubs) versus ypubs and zpubs
- BIPs #784 updates BIP174 PSBTs to include a BIP32 xpub
- Suggestion to include BIP32 derivation paths in BIP174 PSBTs
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