After the first excitement of sending and, more importantly, receiving a payment over the Lightning Network has faded away, it’s always good to think about how to operate your node in a safe and reliable way. Failures almost always happen unexpectedly. How do you recover after a possible failure? How do you make backups reliable? How do you keep the seed in a secure location? Et cetera, et cetera…

At Suredbits we use Eclair for our nodes. Even though Eclair is pretty robust on its own, we took some steps to make it even more reliable—such as using PostgreSQL as a database backend (using this PR ) and AWS Secrets Manager to store private keys.

Eclair has a built-in online backup feature, but it requires manual setup and script writing to automate, which is not really scalable and is error prone. Running PostgreSQL at AWS RDS allows us to automate backups and replication in a way that is familiar to many DevOps engineers and which makes restoring the database state easier.

Using PostgreSQL as a remote database backend makes node failover simpler to implement because, if the node crashes for some reason, there’s no need to restore the database from a backup—all you need is to point a new Eclair instance to the correct database server. Here’s a quick demo of an automated failover implemented with two Eclair instances plus AWS’s RDS, ELB, and NAT Gateway.

In the failover scenario depicted in the demo, we needed a secure way to allow the node’s seed for its private keys to be shared between the Eclair instances. Eclair stores the seed in a file on the local file system which should be backed up somewhere and restored when needed. The current Eclair implementation requires extra steps to do so in an automated fashion. We instead use AWS Secrets Manager—an encrypted key/value store specifically designed to securely hold various kinds of secrets including database passwords and encryption keys. Now all you need to do to share the seed between the instances is to point them to the correct secrets location in the config file. Once configured, the instance can be stored as an AMI image which can re-imaged as many times as needed without manual configuration.

The measures we took are just the first steps to building enterprise-grade Lightning nodes. There are still some more problems that need to be solved. For example, which Hardware Security Module (HSM) can be used for a Lightning node, or how to failover a Bitcoin Core node in a multi-instance setting. But we believe that our work is a solid base for scaling out Eclair and making it more fault-tolerant.

For more information about this topic, see our presentation.

Disclaimer: Since private keys are involved, don’t use third party cloud services without a thorough risk assessment.